Individual Knowledge 03


Heartbeat gives you an in-depth understanding of what is happening inside your shop in real time.

Our powerful analytics engine analyses the 1000's of transactions inside your store and provides you with the key measures to help you understand what makes your shop tick.

Heartbeat helps you understand all the changes to your shop’s key measures like sales, basket value, Sold on promotion to enable you to take action.

As the old saying goes: "You can’t change what you don’t know.

Note: Text goes here

From Heartbeat's dashboard screen you can see a range of measures available to you in the selector widget. The default measure will be sales and you will see the current sales to date for this week.

If you haven't already done so go ahead and take a look. (Go on, I'll wait here while you get acquainted)

You  have the ability to view a number of different measures like Transactions, Gross Margin, Basket Value, + Much much more.

💡  Takeaway: Text goes here

To learn more about a particular measure in Heartbeat simply click on one of the topics on the right hand side. Or alternatively when using Heartbeat you can click on a ! mark that will take you to the individual Topics page.

Utilise the filters up the top you can select a particular department or change the date period you are viewing by changing it with the date selector.

✅  Action: Text goes here

This is only the beginning. Heartbeat will continuously get better and better as we add new metrics very soon. As you can see in the metrics selector up the top there are a number of measure we are currently working on, giving you even more insights into different areas of your shop like combating wastage, customer satisfaction and more.

Key Takeaways:

  • Takeaway 01
  • Takeaway 02
  • Takeaway 03